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Guitar is Home

  Not much to say.  I haven't tuned the guitar, but it is beautiful and I appreciate its distinctiveness and the little hairline imperfection in it.  I hung it up in my closet where it looks gorgeous.  I want to get my room in order before practicing, I guess. Somehow most of the day is gone and this is what I have accomplished: 1. hung up guitar 2. cleaned bathroom 3. put insurance papers into cars 4. I might have gotten squared away with Covered California this morning, or I might have done it yesterday 5. Fed the cats, somewhat 6. baked sweet potatoes (but not eaten them) I feel like I'll be able to relax when my room is more tidy and then I'll be able to practice the guitar.  I also need to get a strap it appears.  I know nothing about this so I'll have to either go to Guitar Center for advice or Google it. Somehow I have only either $135 or $200 depending on what budget I consult.  I'm not liking this getting paid when people feel like it.  Eventually it should

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